Wednesday, August 28, 2013

King Benjamin's Speech - Week 7

WEEK SEVEN - Mosiah 5:1 - Mosiah 6:7

DAY ONE - A mighty change
Mosiah 5:1-4

"Doing good continually" is the core part of living the gospel daily. The motivation to pursue this kind of life comes from the might change wrought in our hearts by the Spirit of God. Conversion is rarely a one-event thing in your life; instead it is a series of moments in which "mighty changes" happen within us.

Think back on your life and see if you can pinpoint some of those moments when you felt a shift within you. It might have been an important event, or a quiet moment with the scriptures. It might have been the result of a trial or hearing a testimony born in song. King Benjamin's people noted that you know when this change has taken place because of the change of desire within you - something you had trouble with in the past suddenly falls away and is no longer an issue.

Make note in your journal of these events chronologically, on a sort of timeline. Afterwards, look over your spiritual life on paper and see the progress you have made.

DAY TWO - A name
Mosiah 5:5-12

Circle every time the word "name" occurs in these verses.

President Henry B Eyring said:
"We promise to take His name upon us. That means we must see ourselves as His.
We will put Him first in our lives. We will want what He wants rather than what
we want or what the world teaches us to want."

Think about each of your children and why you gave them the names you did (or think about your own given name.) Write each name down in your journal and note the reason behind the name. Write anything you hope your children will know and understand about why they are named such, and how it might influence who they are and how they try to live.

Now think about each one of them taking upon the name of Jesus Christ, when they were (or will be) baptized. Can you help your children make the connection between their given name at birth and its influence, with the name the receive at baptism (Christ) and how it can influence who they are and the way they try to live?

DAY THREE - Seal them to you
Mosiah 5:12-15

Go back one verse and include verse 12 in today's reading.

Imagine you are King Benjamin speaking to your own children in this portion. Go through and underline the phrases that speak to you as a parent, ones that hold hopes your have for your children.

Write each of your children's (or loved ones) names in your journal. Now look back at what you underlined and select one specific piece of advice for each family member. Each child will have different personalities, tendencies, talents, and needs, so consider these all and then choose the one line that you wish you could impart to that one child. Write it beside their name.
For example: Jack, be steadfast and immovable. Jane, know the voice by which you are called.

Finally, write each loved one's name into this sentence: (write it for each family member)
"____________, let Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, seal you his."

Mosiah 6:1-3

After King Benjamin's speech, he took the names of everyone who entered into the covenant: every single person. No matter the hardships you face, the trials you must surmount, the victories or defeats, in the end you are running a home that has been dedicated to the Lord. As Joshua wrote:

"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

When you struggle with a child, remember you and she/he are serving the Lord. When you argue with your spouse, remember you are serving the Lord. When evil mounts in the world outside, remember you are serving the Lord.

Underline the actions King Benjamin took to ensure that his people would always remember their promise to serve the Lord.

Write each one down on your journal, and make some notes about ways you can institute them in your home right now. Keep in mind the ages of those in your household, and be specific instead of general; write concrete ways that will work at this stage of your life so that those in your home will remember that in your house, you serve the Lord.

DAY FIVE - Working alongside
Mosiah 6:4-7

As is evidenced by King Benjamin's speech, there are times that a sermon must be taught. Gospel doctrine and concepts need to be conveyed by talking through the points with your children and family. However, both King Benjamin and his son, King Mosiah, were likely such effective leaders not just because of their talk, but because of their "walk." Compare Mosiah 2:14 and Mosiah 6:7 and highlight what the commonality between the two leaders was.

Write down a couple of the lessons you hope your children will learn in the next short while (a few months to a year.) Now write down how you can teach them these concepts by serving and working alongside them, instead of talking about it. The greatest lessons are "caught, not taught."

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