Wednesday, August 28, 2013

King Benjamin's Speech - Week 5

WEEK FIVE - Mosiah 3:12 - Mosiah 4:8

DAY ONE - Rules of the House
Mosiah 3:12-15

Underline the details about the Law of Moses. Highlight the details about the higher law (mercy and faith in Jesus Christ.) King Benjamin said that the law of Moses was only necessary to help prepare the people for the coming of the higher law. It had a higher purpose that the people didn't understand or see.

What rules do you have in your house for your children? Do the rules have a higher purpose than just obedience? Do your children understand that greater purpose? Do they see the big vision? Write down a few of the rules, along with what your hope your children are learning from them.

DAY TWO - Becoming like children
Mosiah 3:16-19

King Benjamin said that we "drink damnation to [our] own souls except [we] humble [ourselves] and become as little children." Circle each childlike quality listed.

Now write each of these qualities down, with the one that most describes you at the top, down to the one that you haven't really mastered yet at the bottom. Choose one of the qualities at the bottom and brainstorm a few ways you could develop this quality with more purpose. Write a short prayer asking Heavenly Father's help in developing this.

DAY THREE - No more blameless
Mosiah 3:20-27

Underline in verse 21 what will save us from being found blameless.

Mosiah chapter three focuses on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Look back over the scriptures and your journal from chapter three and write down the points of the atonement that King Benjamin covers. Add any final things you see in verses 20-27.

While the end of this chapter focuses on what will happen at Judgment Day for those who remain in their guilt, verse 21 reminds us of two important components to the plan of Salvation: Repentance and Faith.

Write down how faith and repentance can work with each other to be the key to our salvation. Why are they necessary so that we can be saved? Now read verse 24 - how does this verse say we will be judged?

How do you think good works figure into salvation, considering verse 21 also. Write any thoughts or questions you have on the topic.

DAY FOUR - Viewing yourself
Mosiah 4:1-3

After reading King Benjamin's speech to this point, do you share in the view of the people:
"They had viewed themselves in their own carnal state, even less than the dust of the earth."
What is the reaction of the people to this realization? highlight their plea in the middle of verse two. Underline their testimony in the past part of verse two.

Look back now at Mosiah 3:21 and write the two things you underlined that will save us from being found blameless at the last day. Write down "faith" and "repentance" as headings to two columns. Now copy the portion of Mosiah 4:2 that goes along with each concept underneath that word.

Now rewrite the entire verse two one more time, but in the present tense, using "I" and "me" instead of "they" and "we." Read your personalized verse aloud a few times.

Highlight in verse three what happened as a result of the people's expression of repentance and faith. Rewrite this verse in first person and present tense so it is also personalized.

Reread your personalized verses two and three aloud again as a reminder of the tender mercies of the Lord.

DAY FIVE - Salvation
Mosiah 4:4-8

King Benjamin makes the statement:
"There is none other salvation save this which hath been spoken of;
neither are there any conditions whereby man can be saved except the
conditions which I have told you."
Look back in verses 4-8 and highlight the conditions of which King Benjamin spoke.

There are three specific actions in the end of verse six. Write them down and think for a moment on each one individually. Is there anything you can be doing to increase your commitment to any of these thing? Write at least one thing beside each that you can do more than you are doing now.

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