Wednesday, August 28, 2013

King Benjamin's Speech - Week 2

WEEK TWO - Mosiah Chapter 1:8 - Mosiah 2:14

DAY ONE - Leaving to our children
Mosiah 1:8-17

What are the different things King Benjamin wants to give to his people/sons?
Write one reason why each might be significant.

Consider that the sword of Laban may have represented political leadership, and the liahona spiritual leadership. Also think about the difference and relationship between a new name and the scriptures (brass plates.)

Write three things you want to leave to your children. They could be objects holding a significance, or a non-tangible idea.

DAY TWO - Go up to the temple
Mosiah 1:-18 - Mosiah 2:6

The people took offerings to sacrifice at the temple. Sacrifices made before Jesus' time were in similitude of his death. Although animal sacrifices are no longer necessary for our own personal temple worship, we still covenant to offer what we can give.

What sacrifices can you make to go to the temple?
How can you keep Jesus' atonement (sacrifice) in your mind when you are in the temple?

King Benjamin's discourse from the steps of the temple instructed the people in the doctrine of eternal life. How does temple worship today teach the same doctrine?

DAY THREE - Give thanks to the Lord
Mosiah 2:3-4

In Mosiah 2:4, mark all the things the people were thankful for. Try to draw a parallel to your own life:

1) What trial or danger have you been "brought out of"?
2) What enemy (person, situation, sin) have you been "delivered" from?
3) What teacher has left an impression on you?
4) What leader has been an example to you, and led you higher spiritually?
5) When have you known a season of peace in your life?
6) Who first taught you to keep the commandments of God and showed you the joy of the gospel?

How can you show your thanks to the Lord as vividly as the burnt offerings from the Law of Moses?

DAY FOUR - Hear my words
Mosiah 2:7-9

Underline the different methods undertaken to make sure everyone could hear King Benjamin's message.

What are the different ways our prophet gets his message out to the world?

Now consider General Conference specifically:

What methods do we have to get that message?
What method(s) do you currently use?
What other methods might you add so that you hear these messages more often?

What are the three things we must open when listening to the words of the prophet?
What is the blessing associated with each thing we open?
Consider more deeply the concepts of "hearing," "understanding," and "unfolding."

What specific "mystery of God" do you want to hear, understand and have unfolded to you right now?

DAY FIVE - Being mortal
Mosiah 2:10-14

Read King Benjamin's description of himself and his life, then write a paragraph in your own words about who he really was.

Think about your own life as a mortal, "subject to all manner of infirmities in body and mind." Yet, despite these weaknesses, you, like King Benjamin, have been chosen to fulfill the role you have now. Write a paragraph about yourself in relation to a role you have (mother, wife, church calling, etc.) Do not be afraid to include strengths, weaknesses, goals, efforts, wishes.

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