Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Acts of the Apostles - Week 6

WEEK SIX - Acts 9:20 - 10:48

DAY ONE - Never Say Never
Acts 9:20-31

Can you recall a time in your parenting (or pre-parenting) life when you uttered the fateful words "I would never ....." I would never use disposable diapers.  I would never let my child throw a fit in the grocery store.  I would never join rep sports teams.  I would never miss a family prayer.  Hopefully I'm not alone in this admission.  I've been there more times than I care to admit.

Initially, Paul has a hard time settling into his new role as advocate of Jesus Christ and teacher of the gospel, because people think "Saul? (Paul) He could never be for Jesus." (verse 21, 26.)  You know, if you'd asked him just weeks earlier, he probably would have laughed (or spat) and vowed "I would never."

Take a moment to jot down the "I would nevers" you can remember saying, and how circumstances, life, people, or time softened or changed your mind. Why is it you dug so hard in on that issue in the first place? Why did you change? What are your current views on "nevers?" Boundaries are important, but we must know why we set them where we do.  What are your current reasons for the boundaries you set?

DAY TWO - Get up and make your bed
Acts 9:32-43

Today we will learn the secret of getting your children to make their beds.  Just kidding.

What we do see today are different ways Peter is touching the lives of all those around him.  Peter is passing "through all quarters," going in and around all the new believers.  Presumably, following the model of Jesus Christ, he is teaching and healing everywhere he goes.  First in chapter three, and now twice in chapter nine, we see healing miracles, including the raising of the dead.  And, just like the Gospel accounts on Jesus' life, they are recorded with simplicity, in just a few verses, as though it was all just a catalogue of the many works of Peter.

Think about yesterday.  How did you go about touching the lives of your family members yesterday?  Make a list of the ways you taught them, served them, showed love to them, and touched them.  Each one might be a miracle of its own.

DAY THREE - The Works of God (part 1)
Acts 10:1-33

Today just read the story of Cornelius and Peter.  There are several different parts to the story.  In your notebook, try to sort out the order of events.

DAY FOUR - The Works of God (part 2)
Acts 10:1-33

Read the story again.  God is working in some pretty neat ways in this story.  He prepares Cornelius, he prepares Peter, he uses visions and dreams and pray and revelation.  He foresaw potential problems and provided ways ahead of time to mitigate those problems.

What is most amazing to you about this story?  Can you remember a time in your own life when God was working many moving pieces so that everything would fall into place? Record it in your notebook.

DAY FIVE - A simple testimony
Acts 10:34-48

Once again Peter gives a very succinct testimony of the basics of the gospel.  Compare the following testimonies of Peter and note their commonalities:

Acts 2:22-24
Acts 3:12-16
Acts 4:10-12
Acts 10:36-41

Our own testimonies do not have to be complicated and long; in fact, Peter is showing us that a simple testimony clearly outlining the most important doctrines of the gospel is what is most effective. Write your own testimony in your notebook, keeping it to 4 or 5 sentences.

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