Monday, September 8, 2014

The Acts of the Apostles - intro

The book of Acts is an interesting crossroad in the New Testament. Up to this point, the apostles have had Jesus walking with them every step of the way. Three years earlier they were called from their ordinary lives to spend every waking moment following Jesus, learning from him, absorbing everything they possibly could during this short time of training. Up to this point, the followers came because of Jesus. They beheld miracles and heard the word of God from the Son of God himself. Now, these 12 men were going to have to move from following to leading. They were being out in charge of the most important work of their lives: building the kingdom of God on earth.

When I first became a mother, I frequently had this thought run through my head: who on earth out me in charge?  I still felt so young, so new, so like the teenager I had been but a few years earlier. And now I was charged with the most important work of my life: raising children of God on earth.

As we delve into the book of Acts, let's look at this transformation of these men from fishermen, tax collectors, simple men who lived normal lives, men of faith who made mistakes, spoke erringly, denied truth, failed again and again, and then grew into the inspirational leaders and builders of the new church they became. Hopefully we will be able to see our own transformation as mothers and women, looking back to see how we have changed thus far and looking ahead to the changes still to come.

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