Wednesday, August 28, 2013

King Benjamin's Speech - Week 4

WEEK FOUR - Mosiah 2:36 - 3:11

DAY ONE - Rebellion
Mosiah 2:36-40

Highlight in verse 36 the immediate consequence of rebellion.
In verses 38 and 39, underline the eternal consequences of rebellion.

The rebellion spoken of in these verses if of one who has been "taught all these things" who then acts contrary. King Benjamin states that he has "spoken plainly unto you that ye might understand" - old men, young men, and even little children.

Do you have a child who is rebellious already? Do you have a child for whom you fear might lean toward rebellion? Write down a plea, a personal prayer to your Father in Heaven, on behalf of that child (or other loved one.) Pour out your fears and then put your faith in Him who knows each of us.

Make a commitment to teach this child the consequences of sin as taught in these verses.

DAY TWO - Happiness
Mosiah 2:41

Underline all the blessings of obedience.

Make two columns. Title one "Temporal blessings" and the other "Spiritual Blessings." Write underneath each list all the blessings you have been given. Remember King Benjamin's words about being grateful for everything, and be as specific as you can. Fill the page if you can.

Highlight the following portion of verse 41:
"If they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell
with God in a state of neverending happiness."
Reflect for a moment on what it will be like to be received into heaven with your family at your side. Write down those images and emotions.

DAY THREE - Awake!
Mosiah 3:1-3

The angel of God spoke these words:
"Awake and hear the words...of great joy!"
The angel then made known to King Benjamin many glad tidings, wonderful news of the gospel. Write down things have been "made known" to you by God. Be specific, not general. Think of specific pieces of doctrine, or promised blessings, or evidences of God's love that you have experienced in your life.

DAY FOUR - Jesus' earthly mission
Mosiah 3:3-7

Read about Jesus' mission while he was on the earth. Choose one aspect that speaks to you and read the scriptural cross-references also. Write a paragraph about how Jesus has fulfilled that aspect of his mission in your own life.

For example, has he opened your eyes to something you hadn't seen or understood before? Has he helped you overcome a habit or temptation? Has he cured an illness? Has he brought peace where there was turmoil? Think about specific events in your life and write with detail to record how Jesus earthly mission has been fulfilled in your own life, not just in the lives of those who lived at the same time and place on the earth.

DAY FIVE - The mother of Jesus
Mosiah 3:8-11

If you've ever wondered how on earth someone entrusted you to raise children, imagine how Mary felt being told she would raise the Son of God? These verses outline Jesus' atoning mission. Imagine how Mary might have felt if she had these verses to read, knowing ahead of time what her son's mission would entail?

Think about your own children. What mission do you envision they might fulfill in their lifetime? Consider each child's strengths and personality and what this might be preparing them for. Write down each child's name and a mission that might lie in his/her future. Write a few details as well.

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