Wednesday, August 28, 2013

King Benjamin's Speech - Week 1

WEEK ONE - Mosiah Chapter 1:1-7

DAY ONE - No More Contention
Mosiah 1:1

Verse 1 records that there was "no more contention in all the land of Zarahemla." At this time in Nephite history, war had been constant between the Nephites and the Lamanites.  In spite of all this, King Benjamin was able to establish peace in the land and have peace all the rest of his days.

Read Words of Mormon 1:12-18. Create two lists:

1. The types of behaviours that created contention.
2. The actions and characteristics of King Benjamin that helped establish peace.

Contention is common in our homes, but it doesn't have to be constant. Create new two lists. Refer to the list regarding King Benjamin to guide you.

1. Specific actions/behaviours that create contention in your home.
2. Actions and characteristics you can teach or cultivate to establish peace.

DAY TWO - Remember, my sons - Part 1 - Teach from the scriptures
Mosiah 1:2-5

Underline what King Benjamin taught his sons
Highlight why he taught them
Circle the results of his teaching them

What is your current goal for family scripture study?
Answer the who/what/where/when/how that will help you achieve your current goal.

Remember that your goal for family scripture study will be different from other families, and different at various points of your life. It might be to familiarize your children with the stories or characters, it might be verse memorization, it might be to reinforce Seminary or Primary lessons, it might be to focus on a theme, or it might be a quick read of an entire book.

DAY THREE - Remember, my sons - Part 2 - Bear your testimony
Mosiah 1:6

Circle the word repeated most often in this verse.

What are the three things King Benjamin is bearing testimony about (that are "true")?

King Benjamin's father, Mosiah, had fled from the land of Nephi to get away from the contentions and battles of the Lamanites.  When they arrived at Zarahemla, they found the Mulekites.  These people had left Jerusalem around the same time that Lehi had, with one major difference: they had brought no records with them.  King Benjamin's people had the brass plates.  The resulting difference?  King Benjamin's people had the word of God to guide them through the 450 years since his ancestors had left the Old World.  The Mulekites, without God's word, had lost their knowledge of God, corrupted the language of their fathers, and suffered through great turmoil.  King Benjamin knew the difference that having and searching the scriptures would make for an entire nation and affirms his testimony of such to his sons.

What are three aspects of the gospel you can confidently say are "true"?

Record the experience in your life that helped solidify your testimony of each of these doctrines or principles.

Make a goal (write it down!) to share your testimony about these things with your family.

DAY FOUR - Remember, my sons - Part 3 - Instruct Your Children to Act
Mosiah 1:7

What actions does King Benjamin instruct his sons to do?
What is the promise given by God for obedience?

Help our children to learn by doing. Invite them to act upon what they have been taught. Give your children a safe place in which to make choices, right or wrong, within the home. 

What one thing do you most want to instruct your children to act in right now? How can you  encourage your children to act on these things?

DAY FIVE - Remember my sons - Part 4 - Elder Bednar
"Watching with all perseverance" - David A Bednar, April 2010 General Conference

(link to talk: click here)

What are the three components of the "early warning system" Elder Bednar describes?
What are the three things that King Benjamin wanted his sons to remember? (Parts 1-3)
What is the promise Elder Bednar gives to parents who heed this instruction?

What do you/your family/your children need most in regards to this blessing, or the one recorded by King Benjamin (to prosper) right now? Be specific.

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