Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Acts of the Apostles - Week 4

WEEK FOUR - Acts 6-7

DAY ONE - Serving
Acts 6:1-7

Mark in verse 3 what qualities the apostles were looking for in appointing servants in the kingdom of God.

We as mothers are serving in our families nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  We need to be filled with these qualities ourselves if we are going to be effective servants.  Write the qualities down in a notebook.  Look at each one, individually, and consider how it is in effect in our lives.  What does this quality look like in me?  Have I been blessed with it naturally?  Have I developed it over time?  Is it an area in which I am lacking?  What could I do more to develop it further?

DAY TWO - Standing firm
Acts 6:8-15

Read this rewrite of some of these verses, in relating it to ourselves.  Insert our own name where indicated.  (NIV translation used.)

"And (our name), full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among her family.  Then, some of those who belonged to other families, rose up and disputed with (our name.) But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which she was speaking.  Then they secretly instigated women who said "We have heard her speak blasphemous words against mothers and families." And they stirred up the people and the mothers and the families and they came against her and seized her and...set up false witnesses....And gazing at her, all who sat there saw that her face was like the face of an angel."

Do we ever feel under attack for the position on family, mothering, women, or parenting that we stand for?  Do we feel accidentally misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented?  Write down one thing in regards to families/mothers/women that your are passionate about.  Try to capture the thought in a few simple sentences, and then read those sentences back to yourself, committing them to memory.  Now, next time someone asks you or challenges you on this idea, you have a clear, easy response to state your opinion.

DAY THREE - Generations of leaders (part one)
Acts 7:1-19

This passage tells the story of four famous forefathers of the Hebrew faith: Abraham, Joseph (today) Moses and David (tomorrow).  These would be men to whom the people of the day looked to as examples.  The disciple Stephen, as his last witness before martyrdom, is trying to remind the people how important it is to remember good, strong examples of people in our past.  As you read each story, underline important lessons you can learn, or characteristics you can emulate.

DAY FOUR - Generations of leaders (part two)
Acts 7:1-19

This passage tells the story of four famous forefathers of the Hebrew faith: Abraham, Joseph (yesterday) Moses and David (today).  These would be men to whom the people of the day looked to as examples.  The disciple Stephen, as his last witness before martyrdom, is trying to remind the people how important it is to remember good, strong examples of people in our past.  As you read each story, underline important lessons you can learn, or characteristics you can emulate.

Who do you have in your past to whom you can look for inspiration as a mother?  Write down some of the names, and jot down a story or two that has written itself on your heart.  If you don't know any, try to inquire from family members to have a few to record. Or, you could look to ancestors of your faith in stead of family: people you have known from your church who have inspired you. If you can't find anything, then record something from your own experience, to serve as inspiration to generations yet to come.

DAY FIVE - Falling asleep
Acts 7:54-60

Do you ever feel as though you are being metaphorically abused as Stephen was?  He was yelled at, swarmed, dragged away, beaten, and stoned.  Are there days when you feel done in by your children, when they yell at you, swarm you, drag you away from what you are doing, lash out at you?  Are there days when you are done in by the adults in your life, when they yell at you, come at you, abuse you, drag you away from your God-given purpose?  Are there days when life itself seems to be rushing at you, when the onslaught of commitments drags you in different directions, when trials seem to beat the hope or happiness out of you?

Underline what happened right before the abuse of Stephen started happening (verse 55-56.)  We need to make sure we are filled with the Holy Spirit and "see" our Father and Saviour in our lives before the trials come and try to beat us back.  We will probably not be called to die in our hard times, but we can "kneel down" and "fall asleep," resting in the arms of our loving God.

Think about a situation in your life right now that reminds you of the abuse of Stephen.  It could be a relationship with a child, spouse, friend, church member, co-worker, or it could be an illness, job situation, physical or mental or emotional battle.  Now prayerfully write down a few ways you can make sure you are filled with the Holy Spirit the next time you have to confront it.

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